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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  September 7, 2010 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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juliet: a bold faced i, even italic. bill: enjoy it, school kids. see you juliet. "happening now" starts right now. jon skwrao*pbd good tuesday morning to you! i'm jon scott. jenna: hi everybody, i'm jenna lee and welcome -- welcome to "happening now". jon: president obama's new idea, we'll talk with a high ranking republican to get his take. jenna: rain slams southern texas. we're live with details there. jon: in the bottom box, armed strike in the city of light, union protestors take to the streets in france over changes proposed for pension plans. is there a chance we'll ever see this scene in the united states? we're live in paris with details. we're here in the fox
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newsroom, breaking news is coming in from across the country and around the world right now. our domestic desk, covers the u.s., our foreign desk, watching events around the globe, and our media desk, bringing in all the video and live pictures for you, 24 hours a day. jenna: as we speak the president is holding back-to-back meetings with his economic team and then secretary of state hillary clinton. all this as the president is preparing to roll out a new business investment tax break. this is just the latest effort to jump start the economy and create new jobs. the republicans are saying it's just a little too late. wendell goler, live at the white house, with more on this. wendell, what can you tell us about the latest economic proposal? >> jenna, it's a tax break that would let businesses write off the entire cost of new capital investments, that's land, pw-g and machineries, through the end of next year. now, the idea is to get businesses to make some of these big ticket purchases that may have -- they may have been putting off and that may mean more business for manufacturers, for
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construction workers, and give a boost to real estate values as well. it's one of several proposals the president is laying out this week in a couple of campaign-style appearances. yesterday it was milwaukee, tomorrow, it's ohio. the proposals amount to a scaled down version of the second stimulus package, though only republicans are calling it that. yesterday, it was a $50 billion plan to rebuild roads, railways, and airports. tomorrow, $100 billion extension of the research and development tax credit. all of this aimed at stimulating job growth after a summer of recovery. what the white house hoped would be a summer of recovery that was rather disappointing. jenna: busy week for the president, as you were mentioning. what's the republicans' reaction to the latest proposal and as you mentioned, to this idea of, quote unquote, more stimulus? >> arizona republican senator john mccain says the white house and congressional democrats are, quote, flailing around. house minority leader john boehner says they're missing the big picture.
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boehner told the "wall street journal" that this latest proposal is not necessarily bad, but he told us, quote, none of his plans address the two big problems hurting our economy, excessive government spending and the uncertainty that the massive tax hike is creating for small business. bain ser talking about the decision to let the bush administration tax cuts expire for families making more than $250,000 a year, the white house says that will only affect about 2 percent of the american people, but republicans say it will hurt small businesses. jenna. jenna: wendell goler on the always developing story on the economy. wendell, thank you very much bill: -- jenna: -- jon: a fast moving wildfire destroyed dozens of homes, triggering evacuations near boulder, colorado. the fire started yesterday, powerful winds quickly spread across 5 1/2 square miles. a news conference happening now. we are monitoring it closely. meanwhile, alicia acun is
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live outside boulder. what are we expect to go hear alicia? >> reporter: jon, we're expecting to get a clearer picture of exactly what sort of damage we're talking about with regard to the past 24 hours and this quick spreading wildfire. at last report it was about 5 1/2 square miles near the city of boulder. so far, we have been told that the city of boulder itself and the city limits are not being affected by the flames and the damage. however, the air quality here is definitely being impacted. so we're also expected to hear the number of homes that have been destroyed, we've heard about two dozen, however, they haven't been able to give us a concrete number. that's expected to be given at the news conference. and exactly how they plan to fight the fire for the rest of the day, when you consider the changing wind conditions that are expected later on this afternoon. jon: i know this thing was a beast to fight yesterday. how are they planning to attack it today? >> today, they're planning to utilize all of their air support that they weren't
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allowed to use yesterday, because the winds were blowing at 4-5 miles per hour yesterday. that grounded a lot of those flurry air bombers they were trying to use, they were hoping to get those up this morning, however, a red flag warning is anticipated for noon mountain time today and to run until 8:00 p.m. tonight. that means that they're talking about 35-mile per hour winds and wind gusts. that's going to make things much worse, because the fire yesterday and overnight was moving in two different directions at once. that makes it almost impossible to battle at times. hopefully, it won't be as bad today, however, we're talking about temperatures today of 10 miles hotter -- rather, 10 degrees hotter than it was yesterday as well. not a great situation here. very dry, humid, no rain expected today, and we've had a pine needle infestation on a lot of the trees here, which means there's a lot of timber out there that's waiting to burn up rather quickly. jon: you don't want a red flag warning when you've already got a fire to fight, that's for sure.
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alicia, thanks. >> thanks. jon: as me mentioned, authorities in boulder are hold thank news conference on the wildfire. as you can see, we're monitoring it. we'll talk with the colder from the boulder sheriff's office and get the very latest. jenna: jon, now to texas, tropical storm hermine, pounding the southern part of that state. we have live pictures out of houston. the storm is dumping heavy rain as it pushing north, raising fears of flooding, also knocking out power to as many as 30,000 homes. sounds like a tough one. meet oregon janice dean is in the fox extreme weather center with more on this. >> reporter: we're worried about tornadoes as well, we have a tornado warning west of the houston area. want to show you the tropical satellite, a new advisory in and it is still a tropical storm, 40 miles per hour, northwest at 17 miles per hour, but the big threat will be heavy rain and risk of weak tornadoes. you can see that moisture streaming northward, austin,
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dallas, san antonio, locally, you could receive 4-8 inches, some areas, a foot of rain. tornado watch in effect until 1:00 p.m. local time. let's zoom into where that tornado warning is issues for waller county and northeastern washington county. doppler radar indicate ago severe thunderstorm capable of produce ago tornado near hempsted, moving at 35 miles per hour. again, that tornado watch meaning that conditions are favorable, the warning meaning that doppler has indicated a tornado or weather watcher has spotted one. flood advisories, again, 4-8 inches easy for a -- easily for a loft these areas, isolated amounts of 12 inches and there's a flash flood warning southwest of the houston area where they've received a lot of rain in a very short period of time. future radar, going ahead in time and again, central texas, north texas, even towards oklahoma, you're going to get the bulk of this tropical moisture. there's the pathogen over the next 24-40 hours, still a low pressure system, but again, the legacy of the
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storm is going to be heavy rain. you can see the precipitation over the next 48 hours, extremely heavy rain, moving in. the good news is they need the rain, the bad news is they don't need it so quickly in a short period of time, where we're going to see those flash flood watches and warnings. we'll bring you the very latest. if we see any more tornado warnings, we'll make sure you know the latest from the fox weather center. jenna: definitely one to watch. i guess summer is over, j.d., that's a sign. the rain. the rain is here. janice, thank you very much. >> okay. jon: president obama is touting health care reform as an important legislative accomplishment. but some democrats, even some of those who helped pass the thing, are now running head on against it, as they campaign for this november's elections. jim angle is live for us in washington. so how are democrats handling the health care bill as they go out and campaign, jim? >> reporter: well, jon, as you said, even though the president touted -- touts it every chance he gets, many democrats are running away from it, running as fast as
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they k. in fact, some even running against the president himself and democratic leaders, saying they're thinking about their families and their constituents. listen: >> before i voted against the bailouts and the trillion dollars health care plan, it wasn't right for south dakota, zachary or any kid's future. >> he voted against health care and -- >> i like jason alt myer, he's not afraid to stand up to the president. >> and nancy pelosi. >> then he took on congress, staging up against a congressional pay raise, voted against the health care bill, because it cost too much. >> bobby voted against the bill, the stimulus spending, against the massive government health care. >> reporter: so as you can see, jon, many democrats obviously think they can't get reelected without reminding their voters in ads that they opposed the health care bill, jon. jon: and obviously all of these ads get poll-tested, right? the candidates are reacting to the views of their
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constituents. >> yeah, there might be something in an occasional town hall meeting but obviously they're looking at the polls and it's been clear in one poll after another, the latest is a rasmussen reports, a national telephone survey, released monday t. found that 56 percent of likely u.s. voters favored the repeal of the bill with 45 percent who strongly favor repeal, 38 percent oppose it, including 30 percent who are strongly opposed. now, president obama has to know that the health care law is a huge burden for many democrats but he keeps touting it as he did again yesterday. >> that's why we passed health insurance reform, to make coverage affordable. reform that ends the indignity of insurance companies jacking up your premiums at will, denying you coverage just because you get sick. reform that gives you control. >> reporter: now, the debate rages on, obviously,
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jon but many democrats are clear, telling constituents don't blame me, i voted against it. jon: and interesting, the president refers to it there as health insurance reform, as though it's only a paperwork matter here. >> exactly, because who doesn't hate insurance companies? that's for sure. jon: i don't like mine! jim angle, thank you very much. the countdown to the november election social security on fox, it's your news source on all platforms. check out, click on 56 days to decide, for all you need to know leading up to these pivotal electricals come november. jenna: it's a great resource as the battle for the midterms kick necessary. the very latest polls, though, not great news for the dems. we have expert analysis next on that. plus move over siderman, a daredevil climber scales another skyscraper. the death defying details and the legal trouble he's in now. we have that story up ahead.
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jon: republicans gaining ground on democrats with just eight weeks to go before the midterm elections. according to brand new "washington post"-abc news poll, 40 percent of voters say they trust democrats to handle the nation's biggest problems, 38 percent trust republicans. that's a 12-point jump for the gop in just the last three months and that is not the only sobering news here for democrats. joining us now, managing editor for the hill newspaper, bob cusack. republicans seem to have made real strides, in some cases unprecedented, when you look at these polls, huh bob? >> yeah, i mean, it's been a dramatic turnaround for democrats. if you look at the polls in 2006 and 2008, just the two last cycles, democrats would have won on republicans' turf on tax cuts, fight o'clock treufplg and now you see republicans moving in on democratic strong holds on the economy, health care, and it is a major problem. august was a very bad month forand they're hope to go make a fall comeback but
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part of the problem is also the decifit and independents. independents have supported president obama in 2008 and are now moving towards the gop and this is a major problem for democrats because the republican base is already fired up and if the independent vote for republican, democrats are in trouble in the fall. jon: we had that report from jim angle in which a lot of candidates, even, who are democrats are not pushing the health care thing, they're running miles away from it, because they sense that the voters don't really like that. >> that's right. we polled a lot of democratic candidates running for congress and asked them would you vote for the health care bill, do you support it and we get a lot of calls that were not answered. so democrats also in firing up the base, health care reform, the agenda that democrats pass, a lot of which they accomplished this year, is just not firing up the left, and in the midterm election, you need to fire up your base and the republicans' base is fired up, democrats are a bit deflated now. so there's a bit of panic for democrats setting in
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right now, unless the start to turn this ship around. jon: and we're about 3 1/2 months or so away from the big issue, i think, to be decided yet between now and the end of the year and that is what happens to the bush tax cuts. so what is that issue going to do for or against democrats? >> this is a trouble spot for democrats. they're divided, they have waited, really, until the last second to deal with this. we're busy passing health care reform. they knew that these bush tax cuts were expiring, and a lot of democrats say it's not the time to extend the bush tax cuts, or to rescind the tax cuts and even obama's former budget director this morning, in an op-ed in the "new york times", is saying -- is breaking with the president on tax cuts. so democrats are divided on this, republicans feel like they've got the momentum, and democrats possibly could come up with some new type of tax cut policy, whether it's saying okay, let's end the tax cuts for million aeurbgs but right now obama's policy is $250,000 or more, your tax cuts will
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go up. but the votes aren't there to do that. jon: -- op jon well and the president came out and says he wants another stimulus. the first one didn't seem to do much. >> that's the problem, is that democrats overpromised on the first stimulus and the decifit is a major problem, it's on the minds of voters, and last year, obama said he lost sleep, he was losing sleep over the decifit, but when he has proposed decifit cutting measures, democrats in congress have not embraced them and the white house has not pushed very hard on it. so that's where they've lost trust of the american voters on this. jon: bob cusack from the hill news' they're, thanks. >> thanks. jenna: this comes to -- comingtous, a refinally explosion in northern mexico has apparently killed several people. the details are light but we have heard of a refinery explosion, northern mexico, and this refinery is owned by pemex, a state-owned monopoly of this refinery and of this industry, so
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we'll keep you updated but again, according to local media reports there, several people are dead and we'll keep you updated as we hear more on that. in the meantime, back to news state side, he's not spider-man, he's skyscraper man i guess you can call him, his real name is dan goodwin, a well-known stuntman, you can see him, american flag and all, he's scaling san francisco's millennium tower, one of california's tallest skyscrapers. jon: it looks like he has suction cups. jengen he obviously made it. he made it to the top in three hours time. cops promptly arrested him and cited him with trespassing and causing a public nuisance, but as we said, at least he's patriot ic. it looks like he got the flag up there before anything else. jon: whatever notes your boat. there's an alarming new report out on iran. wait until you hear what the world nuke watchdog is saying now about just how closed iran -- close iran
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may be to develop ago nuclear weapon. also, strikes are shutting down two of the biggest cities in europe now. people railing against government plans to trim budgets. the worst of it in paris. we are there live, next.
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jenna: some new information out of pakistan for you now, a huge explosion ripping through a northern city there, killing three people and injuring 25 others. this happened in the city, the northwestern city of peshaue -- peshawar and apparently the police compound had a lot of different areas to it, there was a commercial area, a residential area and this explosion happened mainly in the residential area. at this time, this is a developing story, because as we understand it, there's no power to the area. it's in the evening, and rescuers are having to search through the rubble in the dark. so as we get more
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information, we'll bring that to you, this breaking story out of pakistan. jon: now to pakistan's neighbors, the subject of a troubling new report from the united nations. it's about iran, and its growing nuclear program. reports out today suggest tehran is now stockpiling nuclear materials and denying international inspectors' access to its facility, all of this, three months after those tough new sanctions went into effect. so what can the rest of the world do to try to stop iran from building a nuclear weapon? joining us now, heritage foundation senior fellow and former cia officer peter brooks. i was astounded, peter, to learn that iran kicked out a couple of these united nations inspectors, right after the new round of sanctions went in and said hey, we only are allowing in people that we trust and we didn't trust these guys. how can they get away with that? >> they are, jon, and it's been going on quite some time. most people forget that we've been negotiating with iran about its nuclear
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program since 2003, seven years, an we've made no progress. right now, the white house is even saying, you know -- not publicly but privately that iran may have a nuclear weapon within a year. it's down from two years to maybe one year. some of their senior officials have been saying that it may be as short as that. so this is more the latest example of iran thumbing its nose at the international community, and not only kicked out inspectors, they're also not allowing them, the ones that are in the country, access to a heavy water facility or another facility that they're building that may be involved in enriching uranium. jon: the obama administration also says that the sanctions passed three months ago are starting to bite. is there any truth to that? can we verify that? >> well, that's hard to say. the question is will iran change its course on its nuclear program. so far, the evidence is that it's not. so the question is yes, of course the sanctions may start to bite. the real question is the -- the bottom line is will it make iran change course on
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its nuclear program and so far there's no evidence of that. there are no easy answers to this, in fairness to the administration. there's going to be a lot of tough choices. but 20 months into it, we've seen no change in iran's nuclear behavior so far. jon: no easy answers, obviously, but this is a president who famously said during the campaign that he would sit down with iran, even without preconditions. has his sort of open hand policy, open door policy, has it produced any result? >> well, the door has been closed and the hand has been slapped away. it has not. you have to remember, even if president obama is willing to sit down with mahmoud ahmadinejad or some other major official, they have to be willing to sit down with him. now, keeping the united states as an enemy, it gives it an option to repress its people, it gives it reason for its international behavior, but once again the iranians have to be willing to sit down with us. we have this tortured history with iran that's been going on quite sometime but the fact of the matter is so far i think the
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administration's policy is failing. i won't call it a complete failure but i think it's failing. jon: peter brooks from the heritage foundation, we'll talk to you again soon, peter, thank you. >> thank you jon. jenna: jon, have you ever traveled internationally and forgot to change your cell phone plan, ever gotten overseas and forgotten about it? >> i think fox has gotten in touch with me once or twice about that. jenna: really? i've done it and got home to a bill that wasn't pretty. but a family in houston, texas, just went overseas to israel, the entire family, they got back, they had a $10,000 bill. $10,000. how do you do that? jon: that's a real bill? >> jenna: that is a real bill. we're going to talk to the mom that got that bill, because of her two kids. coming up in just a moment. we have questions for easy mistakes to make, but $10,000? not sure about that. also coming up, police are now arming themselves with nonlethal weapons. take a listen: yep, those
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are nonlethal, but they don't sound like it, right? cops say they're not, they're just putting them to the test. we're going to be taking you live to the fire range that's testing these out. also in los angeles, a deadly police shooting sparking a violent protest in mcarthur park. why did this happen? we have that story, coming up.
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jenna: right now, tornado
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warnings in effect for southeast texas, tropical storm hermine slamming the state with powerful winds and also a lot of rain. thousands have been left without power. we're all over this developing story are the latest coming up. also hundreds of people fleeing the colorado foothills right now, after wildfires ravaged 3500 acres of land. we also had erratic 45-mile per hour winds that are causing the blaze to move in different directions. it's a very tough fire to fight. we're monitoring a news conference for the latest developments. jon: a protest against a deadly police shooting in los angeles quickly turns into a full-scale riot. take a look: >> the protestors, throwing bottles at officers, setting trash cans on fire as well, at one point, even getting into fights with each other on the street, all of it in response to the police shooting of guatemalan immigrant manuel hermenas, cops say he was threatening people with a knife, including a pregnant woman,
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this happened near mcarthur park a. community with a large central american population that seen tensions before between residents and police. protestors angry that police didn't try to sub due the man without deadly force. they say he might have been in the wrong but did not deserve to die. jenna: over at the foreign desk now, we're taking a look at some of the stories happening around the world, including this theyo this one in france. there are po tests in the streets of paris and what are they concerned about? all the cost cutting measures that the government is putting into effect, including the retirement age, which, just a hint here, is a lot younger than ours. greg palkot is live with the latest. greg. >> reporter: hundreds of thousands are out on the streets today in france, authorities telling us twice as many here in paris, and what we saw here in june of this past year, also, a general strike affecting france and public offices, including schools and post
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offices. what we saw, we were out there for a couple of hours, there was no violence but a lot of anger. folks are upset about that change in the minimum retirement age, of, get ready for this, 60-62. also, general reforms to the social security system. this is triggered by the first day of debate for these laws in the parliament. we talked to the leadership in france and they say they've got to do it, they've got to deal with budget deficits and pretty much have got to get france in line with the rest of europe also wrestling with these problems, as obviously, america is as well. now, the target of the protests, we heard a lot today about french president nicolas sarkozy, his overall approval rating is now at an all-time low for him, 32 percent, but he says he is going to tough it out, and he's coming up with political moves to help as well. a toughened stance on immigration and promised shakeup of the government here, which has also been hit by scandal and corruption charges. jenna, basically, it seems, a pretty noisy fall here in
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france. what else is new. back to you. jenna: good point, greg. greg palkot for us in paris, thank you very much. jon: there are plenty of nonlethal weapons available to law enforcement, but there's no government agency responsible for verifying whether they are safe to use or not. that's where the weapons and equipment research institute comes in. orlando salinas is live for us in miami with a look at that. orlando. >> reporter: jon, the atf, the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms, that is the federal agency that actually issues permits for gun manufacturers to make weapons and munitions. big companies or small companies. but as you said, call me a dummy, i didn't know there wasn't a federal agency that would go back and would actually take a look at these weapons once they've been manufactured in mass and make sure they work as advertised, as they said. weri here in florida does that. take a listen: >> whoa! wow, that one blew up in the gun. >> reporter: and that wasn't supposed to happen.
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>> one of the shells actually exploded in the barrel. which we were fortunate, we didn't fire another one, because that one partially ejected some of its pay load. the next one would have hit that, stuck and blown up in the middle. >> reporter: the weapons and equipment research institute in fort myers, florida is the only private facility in america that tests exclusively nonlethal weapons used by law enforcement. the department of alcohol, tobacco and firearms issues licenses to make weapons. but no federal agency tests lethal weapons to make sure they work as advertised before police use them on the street. reputable weapons manufacturers on their own test over and over, and say third party evaluations are a good idea. >> i think it's a valuable resource, it's a valuable service. ultimately, the responsibility is on the manufacturer to meet the applications and the
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performance specs of that particular product. >> reporter: jon, weri, once it actually finishes a study and experiment, if you will, it reports all of its findings to the national institute of justice. also, weri does not allow its employees to invest in any gun manufacturing companies, and they take absolutely no freebies. as you heard in the report, they're like a consumer reports for stuff you can shoot and blow up. jon: and who want wouldn't -- wouldn't want to work at place with *r where you get to shoot and blow up stuff. >> oh yeah, it was good! jenna: if you've ever opened up your cell phone bill and found a surprise, this is pretty unbelievable, it happened to a family in texas after they got back from vacation, a woman opened up a phone bill to find a bill of nearly $10,000 in phone charges. how does that happen? apparently, facebook, text
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messaging, using their phones while they were roaming overseas on vacation, that's part of it. dr. cindy ivanho is the mother who is going to have to pay this bill. mom, how did this happen exactly? >> they weren't on as much as it sounds like they were on, but they were on too much. there are a lot of reasons it happened. one wasible able to change the date on my phone but not theirs, that was one piece, nut piece is i had said to them you have no idea how high this bill will be if you're on your phones too much. well, neither did i. but there are times when they were using it where it was a good icebreaker with kids who didn't speak the same language, relatives they had never met before, and they would play games. now, some of those games were already in their phone, some of them were, i guess, live data. so there were a lot of different factors. but the other thing that was honestly missed by bloggers who had reactions to this story is phones are not just phones anymore, they're
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instead of your ipod, you can have music in there, books in there, you can have all sorts of things in there, so it's not always that easy to know for sure what your child is doing with their cell phone. they know more than i do. >> sounds like they were doing a lot on the phone. you were mentioning they were able to make connections. it looks --y seeing photos of the trip. it looks like a good vacation. >> it was a good vacation. >> for the relationships they were able to build, it was worth it in. >> it was worth it in a lot of different levels. in those moments it seems worth it. again, i didn't think it would be that big a bill. >> are you paying the bill? >> verizon did, after some back and forth, they did drop a lot off the bill, and there was one person at verizon who i'll never meet named michelle who was really great to work with, who returned calls and really went to bat for me. so they did knock some of the money off. it was still a pretty hefty bill. >> it sounds like they've heard it before. we've seen your kids on the screen, a 13-year-old, an 11-year-old, are they working it off, scrubbing
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carpets, washing floors? >> my daughter did make a list of ways they could save money and i liked the one where she said i should return things i bought. i think it made them, for one thing, believe me that when i say it's going to be something, it's going to be true. and i like to try and rationalize this, but there's only so much i can over -- maybe they learned that lesson and i certainly learned a lesson. i will be a lot clearer about what is or isn't covered and how much things are really going to cost next trip and they've taken another trip since then and they were much more cognizant of the bill. so if you average it out over their life span, it won't be that much! jenna: there you go. you know what, the politicians call it a teachable moment, so i guess we can chalk it up to that. cindy, thank you very much for joining us today, and good advice for parents out there as well. that's invaluable, right, jon? jon: that's right. i get a cell phone bill for my many children and a few
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bucks i think is high. president obama unveils a new spending package. he says it will get the economy going. he's also going after republicans and claiming critics talk to him like a dog? what are republicans saying about all that? we'll be speaking live with a high ranking republican congressman next.
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jon: let me take a second to tell you what's new next hour. a possible copycat attack in arizona after another woman gets acid thrown in her face. this picture is of the first victim from the pacific northwest. we will speak with a detective involved in this -- in this new case. and a disturbing new report says security along the u.s. border with mexico is not working and in one state the border is wide open. we're live with details on that. plus rare color footage just uncovered from world war ii showing the damage inflicted during the 1940 london blitz. we'll show you what the scenes looked like up close and how they appear, 70
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years later. >> if i said the sky was blue, they'd say no! i if said fish live in the sea, they'd say no! [laughter] >> they just think it's better to score political points before an election than to solve problems. jenna: well, president obama, taking on republican opponents while getting ready to unveil billions of dollars in new stimulus spending, although they're not calling it that exactly. he's expected to announce new tax cuts for businesses tomorrow, and this is all part of a preelection push on the economy. the gop isn't buying it, and they're developing their own agenda. or that's what we hear. illinois congressman peter rothman is republican deputy whip and member of the house ways and means committee. congressman, what is the republicans' plan for the economy? >> well, i think moving
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forward, there's a couple of key points. what i'm hearing from my district and around the country from business leaders is that uncertainty is as bad as bad news, and there's so much uncertainty in the economy right now on tax policy, on regulatory policy, and on runaway spending, that's actually having a drag on the economy, ultimately. so republicans say look, the first thing we need to do is to extend the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts and make those permanent so that the job creators, that is, 94 percent of the small businesses that are doing their tax returns in such a way that they're impacted by the individual tax rate, know what the tax rate is going to be. i mean, think about it. we're in september of this year, and moving forward for people that are trying to make decisions about where and how to invest, they don't know what the tax code is going to be like for them next year. so we say bring certainty and good news, and that would be first and foremost extending those tax cuts. jenna: congressman, your
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point is well taken. uncertainty is definitely out there, we've been talking about the economy is -- economy a lot but republicans seem it talk about the bush tax cuts and we keep hearing about the plan that republicans are going to unveil after labor day. you mentioned the tax cuts, but what else is there? >> well, if you look at the testimony that was before president obama's own debt commission, it said -- and it was testimony from an economist at the university of maryland, who said look, every time the debt to gdp ratio gets above 90 percent, it costs the economy a million jobs. well, hour debt to gdp ratio is now at 93 percent. so the point is if we bring spending under control, that's actually going to take a part of the monkey off the back of the economy and you get government spending more in sync with where it needs to be, and then finally, on the regulatory side, look at how businesses are responding to the big health care law that has been put into place, look at how businesses are responding to the uncertainty of this coming
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as a result of the financial regulatory law that has been put in place. they don't know what the ground rules are. they don't know, moving forward -- so my argument is, uncertainty actually does create a platform upon which business folks can make decisions and move forward. jenna: so how are you going to fix that? >> well, i think first and foremost, getting back to the tax cuts and making those permanent, that creates a sense of predicability. what you don't do is you don't fall into the old spending model. think about the language that president obama is using right now to pitch an additional $50 billion in spending. he's saying well, this is going to go for infrastructure. well, wasn't that the same argument that was made on the trillion dollars stimulus package that passed 18 months ago? look at how that has performed. jenna: let me stop you there. there's still some question about whether that's part of the $50 billion from the passage of that stimulus program, but let's talk about the $200 billion of tax credits that the
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president is reportedly going to announce tomorrow for businesses out there. so that is more spending, some democrats say, in a way when it comes to the bush tax cuts, saying if we keep those tax cuts, it's actually taking away money from our economy, but would you support these type of tax cuts, these for small businesses? it would be more spending by the government, but it would help out businesses. so would you be for that? >> well, i think it's ironic, only democrats can come to the conclusion that actually letting businesses keep their own money is somehow government spending. the research and development tax credit is one of the proposals that president obama is advocating, and i'm for the permanent extension of the r & d tax credit. i think part of the problem, though, of the president's approach is that it's marginally better, but wouldn't this have been better to have it at the first of the year, where businesses actually know what to do move forward or thinking through some of the expensing that he's proposing. yeah, it's a good thing, but why would you want to help business with one hand by
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admitting that putting more money into business is a good thing, and then taking it away in the alternative by allowing these tax increases to go in place right after the first of the year. so i think that the administration has sort of gotten into this one play book that says spend, spend, spend your way into prosperity, and the public is saying look, we're in one play book, that play that is failed, we want to see another play. jenna: we're looking forward to hearing more of your plays, congressman. thank you very much for joining us and we look forward to hearing from the republicans and their details coming up. >> thank you. jon: more aftershocks as victims work to clear the damage from a powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake. check out this amazing video. more of the dramatic shaking, straight ahead. we'll show it to you. also it is back to school time in a lot of places. some students, already counting down to the next day off. in certain districts, though, three-day weekends are becoming the new normal.
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is a four-day school week a good idea? who can it help? maybe the taxpayers? we have a live report.
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jon: one school district in georgia takes a step to try to help save taxpayer money in this tough economy. it is shifting to a four-day school week, joining hundreds of other school districts across the country, trying to deliver quality education, but at a lower cost. elizabeth pran is live in atlanta. so has this shorter school week there in georgia helped save money? >> it has, jon. no classes on monday means no electricity, no buses, no fuel costs. all these things have equaled about $400,000 in costs for peach county, which is a rural town in south georgia, it's also saved about 39 teachers'
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jobs, things substitution costs, that's been reduced by about 75 percent, there's an an improvement in student attendance and referrals since 2008, kids aren't missing for doctors and dentists' appointments but none of this would have been possible without the community and the parents, their support. take a listen. >> biggest problem i heard was child dare for the days. but they offer different locations like the church and girls and boys' clubs that can accommodate the parents for day care. >> school days have also been extended, high schoolers are at school from 7:30 in the morning until 4:15 in the evening, that's something parents also need to consider but for now it has been working. the superintendent tells us that when the money returns, it's up to the community if they'll continue the four-day school week. the superintendent, susan clark, also tells us the districts in georgia and across the nation are calling her with interest. georgia state legislator pass add law last year
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saying as long as school districts meet the time equivalent to 190 school days a year, they're allowed to tinker with theical tkae. jon: if i were a kid i'd love that three-day weekend every weekend. >> you can't pass up having that monday off! jon: love that, thanks. jenna: a frightening scene caught on tape, a teenager swept away by a raging river. we're going to show you what happens when the first rescue attempt fails. also president obama rolling out new proposals to jump start the economy, but is he making the right move now? our economic panel weighs in. plus breaking news in a new hour of "happening now" coming up next. host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?
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did the little piggy cry wee wee wee all the way home? piggy: weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeee weeeeeeee. mom: max. ...maxwell! piggy: yeah?
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mom: you're home. piggy: oh,cool, thanks mrs. a. request
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jon: fox news alert, a suspected al-qaida fighter released from kwaupb kwaupb -- returns to the battle field. they say he was rap taourd in a raid to yemen. who is this guy, what do we know about him catherine.
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>> reporter: a person in yemen with firsthand knowledge of the arrest says he has been picked up as part of a round up of al-qaida in yemen. he is identified to me as alffi. he was transferred to sawed in late 2006 under the bush administration as part of a series of test cases. we have two pictures of them, the one you see on the right appears to be from his arrival at camp x rey after 9/11. he ways facing conspiracy charges in yemen that include aiding and abetting terrorism and committing violence and crimes against public property as well, jon. jon: and they picked him up in yemen, specifically where? >> reporter: well according to my source he was picked up with 14 others all suspected members of al-qaida in yemen in the southern part of the country. there was a late night security
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sweep in an area where the al-qaida affiliate has really established a presence in the remote mountains. in abyan. for context the dod has still not released an unclassified version of a report last fall. i was first to report that the number of detainees returning to the battle field is now greater than one in five, that's called the recidivism rate. i was told for some nationalities like the saudis, the number is higher, one in three or one in two, jon. jon: thank you. jenna: thanks to catherine for kicking off a brand-new hour of "happening now" now. i'm jenna lee along with jon scott. another hot story we are watching as well, a florida's pastor's plan to burn the koran on september 11th is racing fear about the troops and around
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the world. it is thought it will insight violence against americans. steve. >> reporter: the general very concerned. you know he declined to speak out about the controversy over that mosque in lower manhattan but the general is weighing in quite forcefully on this debate with the proposed burning of the koran in florida. now with hundreds of people marching and burning american flags in kabul, the general is feeling the heat. and he's making it clear the koran burning would only make his job more difficult. as you know he's trying to win the hearts and minds of muslims in afghanistan hoping to show them we are not at war with islam but only with bands of violent extremistses. the taliban, al-qaida. he reacted this way in a statement -rblgs he says were the actual burning to take place the safety of our soldiers and civilians would be put in jeopardy and accomplishment of the mission would be made more
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difficult. images of the burning of a koran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in afghanistan and around the world to inflame public opinion and incite violence. when asked by fox news' jennifer griffin about the on going debate over that manhattan mosque general petreaus said last month i have enough mind fields out there without getting into domestic mine fields back in the u.s. this one he decided to wade into any way. jenna. jenna: thank you so much. jon: one week ago president obama claimed in -- proclaimed i should say in a prime-time address from the oval office that all u.s. combat troops have left iraq. but have they? reports from soldiers on the ground suggest a different story. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live from the pentagon with more. jennifer, when did the president begin promising that all combat troops would be out of iraq. >> reporter: you'll remember he gave that very high profile speech after he took office in
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february 2009 in camp lejeune, that's where he reiterated his campaign promise to end all combat operations and bring all the troops home from iraq. he reiterated last week from the oval office that all combat operations are over. here is what he said then and now. jon: let me say this ace plainee as -- >> let's me say this as plainly as i can, by august 31, 2010 our combat mission in iraq will end. tonight i am announcing that the american combat mission in iraq has ended. operation iraqi freedom is over, and the iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country. >> reporter: but, jon we've already heard that u.s. troops this weekend have had to draw their weapons, and they are already getting sucked into some of the combat operations over in iraq. jon: u.s. troops are already firing their records there in
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iraq. >> reporter: that's right on sunday there was a major attack in central baghdad on a base there. there were 12 iraqis killed, 36 wounded, and two u.s. service members had to actually come to the rescues of the iraqis. the iraqis shot dead four of the eye tackers. it's very clear u.s. troops are standing by at the ready with their weapons. the idea that all of the troops are home, a lot of the troops that we've spoken to, in fact 50,000 are still left there. they are getting letters from home saying when are you coming home, and combat operation must be over but it's obviously still just as deadly for the 50,000 troops over there, jon. jon: nobody thinks u.s. troops if they are attacked will not be able to defend themselves. is this an exercise in semantics perhaps in time for midterm elections. >> reporter: it obviously is. they've changed the names in only the way that the pentagon can do it from brigade combat teams to advise and assist
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brigades. our baghdad correspondent was in the kurdish north just a few days ago and he talked to the members of the first of the 25th and they said they had been training all year as a combat bra grade. this rile is an exercise in semantics. there are still 50,000 troops over there as well as 5,000 special operations forces. and for them it is just as deadly in iraq as it was a few weeks ago before the president announced that combat operations were over. jon: thanks very much, jennifer griffin live for us at the pentagon. jennifer, thanks. jenna: we're going to stay down in d.c. now where we're awaiting the white house press secretary robert gibbs to give his daily briefing. we'll monitor the situation, bring you news as it happens. if you want to watch it in its entirety you can right to, we'll stream it live for you there, also bring you the up dates on "happening now." it's going to be a busy week for the president as well.
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the 2010 campaign is in full swing one all eyes are on the battleground state of ohio already. the race for governor is heating up there with democratic governor ted strickland fighting to keep his job and facing a stuff challenge from republican and former ohio congressman john kacich. carl cameron is live with more on this. >> reporter: the president will be visiting here tomorrow unveiling yet some more job's related stimulus spending. today the former ohio congressman and currently republican gubinatorial candidate is in the building to my right. he's running for governor and in some polls is leading. he is a former congressman and chairman of the house budget committee during the clinton administration that balanced the federal budget. that is a big part of his campaign against ted strickland. strickland is a one-term democratic governor who is facing a $1 billion shortfall in a battleground swing state
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nationwide with the 9th worse jobless rate. 10.3% here. it's a very, very difficult environment. and for kacich it's an opportunity to pick up one of the most coveted offices in the country. he wants very much to pick up a republican gubinatorial seat from democrats, and thus give the gop what many republicans hope will be the wind in its sales to sweep the table in the 2010 midterms, not just for congress but for governor's offices also. jenna: why is the governor's race in ohio so information? >> reporter: well governor races in general in the midterm elections are always important. they are at the very top of the ballot. when voters go in and look at the ballot they see the chief executive of the state they are living in. the republican race can set the tone. were republicans to start winning it could have coattails
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for republican candidates in congress and in the senate. let's take a look at the national map right now. in the governor's contest there are a total of 37. of the 37 governor's offices that are up this here 19 are currently occupied by democrats and 18 seats occupied by republicans. that is a fairly level playing field insofar as they defending equal numbers, 19 and 18. however when you break out the 19 democratically occupied seats and look at the polls in those individual states it becomes a very, very threatening situation for democratic incumbents, fully two thirds, a dozen seats where democrats are either in toss ups or losing in the polls to republican challengers. should republicans pick up the governor's offices in ohio, in pennsylvania and other battle-ground states bike michigan, the industrial heartland it could be a sign that the gop's ground swell, the tsunami, the wave that could sweep democrats out of office is
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in fact growing and it's not too far away, exactly eight weeks from today as a matter of fact,. jenna: campaign carl cameron thank you so much for that break down, carl we appreciate it as always. we are continuing to countdown to the november midterm. you can do that along with carl by the way go to politics, click on 56 days to decide for all that you need to know leading up to these very pivotal elections. we have all of that for you at jon: at the top of the hour we'll be hearing from nasa and the johnson space center, not about a mission in outer space, but rather on a mission deep inside the earth. we are talking about those 33 miners trapped underground in chile, the men still awaiting rescue. the space agency is trying to help free those guys underground in tight quarters far away from their loved ones and family. i'm here at the international desk. steve harrigan is live with mere. steve, how is nasa helping in
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the rescue effort of those trapped miners. >> reporter: nasa is giving help at the request of chile's government. they are trying to give guidance in the mental and physical health of the 33 men trapped beneath the surface about a half a mile down. they do say why they have experience with astronauts in isolation nor long periods of time, with 33 miners in darkness, in close quarters under difficult involuntary conditions is really something unprecedented. right now the government is pursuing three different plans to free them. they are calling it plan a, b and c. each uses a different type of drill, one a water boring drill, the other a larger oil drill to try and reach the miners safely and as soon as possible. in the best case scenario they could reach the miners in as little as two months. the worst case scenario would be an additional month. drilling in this unstable
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terrain is difficult, they want to proceed carefully to make sure they don't cause any more cave ins. jon: i guess it's the beginning of their second month trapped underground. what are the conditions like for them down there, do we know? >> reporter: the conditions have improved significantly over the first month. you remember the first 17 days they were surviving on a bite of tuna fish from a can or mackral a piece. they are getting hot foods sent down in tubes. they are getting a tremendous amount of attention, the miners are getting 80 letters a piece. all of this is getting sent down through a small plastic tube. the letters were actually competing with food at one point. as far as the miners themselves as they've gotten more comfortable their demands have increased. they have asked for wine, cigarettes and empanadas, they haven't received those yet. and two miners have proposed to their girlfriends.
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jenna: fast fires surprising us over this weekend. thousands of homes evacuated. many folks wondering if they have a home to return to. an update on the scene in colorado ahead. breaking news on this man. he left a note that sparked a manhunt. when, where and why. more information from harris at the news desk next. after a busy day and a heavy greasy dinner... my system needs some tlc. now there's something new. introducing activia dessert. rich, silky, smooth yogurt with desserty flavors like strawberry cheesecake, blueberry cheesecake, and peach cobbler. and because it's activia, it helps regulate my digestive system. mmm, works for me. new activia dessert. ♪ activia
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jenna: breaking news out of connecticut now where police are trying to track down a missing man who left behind a threatening note, a highly suspicious story. harris is following the details right across the newsroom for us, harris. >> reporter: i got off the phone with authorities in morris, connecticut and state police say they have his guy, although he made it all the way to bismarck, north dakota. i picked up on a picture on twit pick. they went high-tech. a 43-year-old was wanted for making threats against hospital workers and a judge in his area
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of morris and middletown, connecticut. he had been in the connecticut valley hospital for mental health, and had been released back in april, had dropped off a friend on friday for work, and as he's dropping off that friend apparently he mailed a letter. in that letter they found a few hours later, which seems odd, but he dropped it off, mailed it, it went through the postal sis tim -- system, within a few days they found out he made all of these threats. they went after him, they got the word out on twitter. authorities picked him up in bismarck, connecticut. the police are working on a warrant to get him back there to face charges. jenna: interesting story. thank you for the update. jon: right now a wind-whipped wildfire is charging through the foothills near boulder, colorado destroying dozens of homes, forcing thousands of folks to grab what they can and try to get to safety. firefighters are getting a better read on the extent of the damage so far. this thing blew up very suddenly.
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the threat the fire poses to the city of boulder also under consideration as well. joining us on the phone commander of the boulder county sheriff's office. what does it look like right now, sir? >> today we are just getting started with firefighting. we've had some objectives set for us. our biggest objective is public safety and firefighting safety. we are implementing structure protections, trying to protect the structures within the perimeter area and contain the fire to the perimeter it is in right at this moment. jon: i know you've been trying to protect the structures, you already lost dwight a -- quite a few. how many homes burned do you know. >> we don't have an exact number. we have a team going into the area to determine the cause of the fire and document what we've lost. jon: is there a thinking this might be arson? >> i have not heard anything to indicate that, we still have to investigate and figure out how it did start. jon: what about boulder itself,
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is there any chance that this thing could march east out of the rockies and start threatening the edges of boulder. jon: >> we don't see this as an issue at this point. we have many resources coming in. today we have seven air tankers that we're going to be using. yesterday we had problems with wind gusts up to 45 miles an hour so we couldn't get the air tankers in the air. today it's not a problem, we have wind approximately 3 to 6 miles an hour so we can get the tankers in the air. jon: isn't the wind forecast to pick up in a couple of hours. >> the last forecast i heard was 3 to 6 miles per hour. jon: that's good news. >> it is good news. jon: commander we wish you well in fighting that thing, thank you. >> thank you. jenna: well another day, another $200 billion for the economy, president obama's latest rescue plan. we have details on that. plus a raging river sweeps a terrified teenager downstream,
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the teen hanging on for dear life, waiting for help and wondering if he'll get out alive. did he? we have the answer coming up. [ male announcer ] let's throw down some style.
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jon: a dramatic rescue of a teenager trying to cool off in a river gets swept away. the swift moving current of the kern river near bakersfield, california was a lot more he could handle. he got stuck on a rock near a waterfall where he ended up waiting for help. rescuers tried to reach him by boat but continue. they tried to crawl on to the rocks, in the end they had to get a helicopter to who is him to safety. he was taken to a waiting ambulance but refused medical treatment. jenna: this is sort of our rescue block. president obama is rolling out a new plan to fix the broken economy which includes more tax
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breaks for businesses worth around $200 billion. we are expecting a major announcement on this tomorrow. here is a little bit about how it works. if you run a business and you invest say a million dollars in new equipment, you can write all of that off this year instead of having to spread it out over several years. the idea behind this is that you pay less taxes, you keep more money, you're going to hire more people, and that is the end goal, get more people back to work. is this the right path? let's make sense of it now with steven moore a senior economic writer for the wall street junior and rob shapiro who was undersecretary of commerce in the clinton administration. steven, tax credits for businesses, what is not to like here? >> not much it's almost like barack obama has morphed into ronalronald reagan today. i like the idea of businesses being able to expense their capital purposes. i wish we would make it permanent. the president is talking about it doing it for 2011.
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i think it would help a lot, it would get businesses spending and hiring. jenna: rob, what do you think? >> i think it's a fine idea, particularly to give the economy another little economic jolt. what it will really do is shift some investment from the future into the president, the fact is we need it in the president, and so i -- present, and so i think it's another fine policy from the president. jenna: on that note about moving some of the purchases up we saw that with the home buyer tax credit, for example. it moved up home buying, as a whole as far as helping the economy it didn't do it. rob, why don't you handicap for us, will that happen here? >> well, we don't know. the fact is we don't know how quickly this economy, overall, is going to recover. if the recovery continues to accelerate, gets stronger next year, for example, then i don't think we have a problem. the problem with the homeowner
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tax credit was that it expired at a time when the economy was still fairly week and consequently couldn't on its own support decent demand for housing without the tax credit. we are hope that the economy will be stronger in 2012, certainly when this would expire, the end of 2012, and then investment will continue. jenna: steven, there is a lot of if's in there you know better at the "wall street journal" that businesses are sitting on a lot of cash. $200 billion of tax breaks to businesses, will that actually spark hiring? we see them sitting on the cash right now and now hiring, why would this make them go and hire more people? >> reporter: this has worked before. originally the tax credit and the exce acceleration -- the aby for companies to write off business expenses was done back in 1981. we had a big boom in the economy. i think it has worked. the only thing i disagree with rob about, if this is a
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sensitive -- sensible policy why not put it as a permanent feature of our corporate tax code that way you won't have a slow down in 2012. i agree with you a little bit, what you're going to get from this policy is a fast forward investment that would have taken place in future years in 2011. then what happens in the future. we saw it didn't work very well with the cash for clunkers program and the housing program, when people bought houses in 2009 and when it ran out we had a slump in housing. i worry about this temporary tax cut. >> this is a lot more complicated than simply making it permanent. if you say that business can deduct all of their invest -pltsz in the first year then economically you have to rollback the deduction for interest borrowed to make investments. this causes a really seismic
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sift in the valuation of corporations on stock markets based on the extent to which they have -- they have been borrowing funds for capital investment. jenna: steven make sense to you, is it more complicated? >> it's very difficult for the stock market. x need to be very careful if we do that, and if you phase it in slowly, retaining the introductions, while providing -- deductions it's enormously expensive. >> p- rob is right. we might have the basis of a left-right deal here. i would actually give up this tax -- i think a lot of corporations would give up the tax deduction for interest. what we do right now, jenna is we encourage companies to finance their expansions through debt not through equity. i think this kind of idea of getting rid of the interest expense for debt financing would be a good thing. remember, none of this will work all that well if we raise tax
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rates next year on small businesses and capital gains and dividends. that will make the return on this investment that we are trying to seek a lot lower. jenna: let's finish on that, rob, your response. this potential tax break for small businesses, also tax breaks and credits for research and development, why not just extend the bush tax cuts for another year. >> i think probably we should extend the bush tax cuts another year, frankly. >> yeah. >> and i've said this before. i think we can phase out the tax cuts over the next two years, retain the tax cuts for the middle class whose incomes have been stuck. use the $700 billion from restoring the tax rates from the 1990s. >> i think we're getting somewhere. jenna: gentlemen i think we just had a moment here, the two of us, the three of us all together. we just had a moment. >> let's hope obama is listening. jenna: we'll be talking a lot about it in the future. i appreciate your insights.
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thank you so much. jon: wow, a moment. border security on the southern border is of course a burning issue this year. the white house claims its efforts are keeping illegals out. critics say no way. we look a look for ourselves. wait until you see what we found. also, a second acid attack on a woman in less than a week in arizona this time. now cops are wonde wondering ify have a copy-cat on their hand. n. at e-trade it's harnessing some of the most powerful yet easy to use trading tools on the planet to help diversify, identify opportunities, take action. it's using professional grade research and your brain to seek maximum returns to reach your goals. it's investing with intelligence and cold hard conviction. you made the money. you should have everything you need to invest it. e-trade. investing unleashed.
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jon: this saturday will mark
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nine years since the 9/11 attacks and we have just learned from robert gibbs, the presidential spokesman, that the president plans to mark the anniversary of that sad attack day at the pentagon. we understand that the vice president will travel to new york and this is interesting, michelle obama, the first lady, and laura bush, the former first lady, will be traveling to the area near shanksville, pennsylvania, where united flight 93 went down in that field as the passengers on board heroically fought back against their attackers. if you would like to hear for yourself what the white house spokesman is saying in his daily briefing, we monitor it for you, but if you'd like to hear it, we've got it streaming live for you on jenna: the obama administration claims increased security along the mexican border is actually working and they have the numbers to prove it. but others say those reports are misleading. so we checked out a remote corner of southeast arizona, a well-known smuggler's corridor that begins in
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mexico and ends near sierra vista, arizona. william la jeunesse is live in los angeles with this story. william, is the border as secure as the administration claims? >> reporter: yes. and no. the administration points to two numbers, the decline in the number of illegals within the u.s. went from 12 million to 11 million in the last three years and secondly the number apprehended at the border is also going down, however, the most important number is the one, jenna, we don't know, how many people are not getting caught, especially in those areas with little enforcement. you haven't seen hardly any border patrol member -- patrolmen and i guarantee there won't be any along the border. there's nobody watching this at all. >> reporter: what this ranchers sees is not what washington says. >> secretary natoll pianoo napolitano said the border has never been more secure and ranchers say we've never seen it any worse. what's it like? >> statistically, she's
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right, honestly, she's absolutely wrong. >> in yuma, san diego, areas in between are not. >> while it's true the number of illegals caught is down it doesn't mean the border is security. you can see how easy it is to jump over the border here, but the real problem begins in this heavy, rugged brush. once a group gets in here, very difficult to find. there's no cameras here at all. and in the last hour and a half, we've only seen two border patrol agents. in a day and a half, i can be over the mountains into sierra vista and gone for good. >> border patrol agents tell me that at any time, day or night, if there's anywhere from 300 to 500 illegals crossing that mountain. >> the influx is so intense and relentless the people who live here often call it an invasion. >> ranchers' own video provided to the center for immigration studies shows illegals running through their property with no border patrol in sight. >> once a migrant makes a decision to step forth through the united states, they ultimately get in.
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ninety-five to 99, in some years, 100 percent. >> so is there a disconnect when the administration says the border is secure? you hear the studies out of princeton that 99 percent get through, absolutely, jenna, that's where there's a debate. we'll know when the economy recovers whether the border security is really working. jenna: interesting story, william, thank you very much for that. jon: and a new front to tell you about in the battle over imtkpwraeubgs, portland, maine is now considering a plan that would give legal immigrants who are not u.s. citizens the right to vote. douglas kennedy has more on this divisive issue. douglas. >> yeah jon, this is a direct response to arizona. all summer arizona has been trying to make imlegal immigrants uncomfortable. now some want to make the
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legal ones more so. >> this man worked many jobs, including at this museum and always paid his fair share of city and state taxes. but unlike other taxpayers, you had no vote and thus, no say in how the government spent your money. >> i had no way to say how government was able to spend my money in this city. >> this man calls that taxation without representation. he says that's not fair. >> why isn't this fair? >> it's not fair because these folks are living in our community, they're here legally, they have jobs. >> will albert is from the league of voters, a group that wants to get citizens the right to phot. ef vet says the ballot initiative will make portland more open and democratic. antiimmigration groups say it will do the exact opposite. >> it devalues the democracy
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>> the immigration for reform wants to expand, not limit immigrant rights. >> giving out instantaneous voting rights to people who have not taken the requisite citizenship exam is demeaning citizenship and setting us back. >> antiimmigration groups say you're demeaning citizenship and de vowing democracy. what do you say? >> i think this is all about democracy and diversity. i think diversity equals democracy. >> ef vet says the measure will not violate the state or u.s. constitutions because the noncitizens will only be able to vote in local elections. that's it from here, jon, back to you. jon: douglas kennedy, that are get our viewers talking. >> it's a big country, jon. jon: it sure is. jenna: police in arizona, wondering if they have a copycat acid attack on their hands. another woman has acid thrown in her face. it's the second attack like
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this in a week. the latest victim is a 41-year-old woman from mesa, she says the attack came out of nowhere last friday as she was getting out of her car, a woman walked up to her, tossed a cup of acid in the face, leaving the mother of five with severe burns on her face and neck and also her arms. you're looking at a picture before the attack. her attack is eerily similar to one that happened only a few days earlier in vancouver washington, a woman attacked as she left her car, again by a female stranger throwing acid in her face. you're seeing the picture after that acid attack happened. with us on the phone, detective michael melendez with the mesa police department. detective, does the evidence suggest we have a copycat on our hands? >> right now, obviously, it's a possibility this person decided to use acid as a weapon, in this case, because they saw what happened in the washington case, but we do not have information indicating that the case is connected or similar in any other way. jenna: what do we know about the suspect? >> at this time, in our
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case, because of the circumstances of the case, the victim arrived at her apartment complex, suspect was in the parking space, waiting to attack her. it appears the suspect knew the victim. we are other leads that we're working on at this time. jen yuen there's an idea this mightor more premeditated than the crime in vancouver? >> right, all the information we have in our case indicates this was not a random case, that the suspect in this case knew her victim. jenna: you say you have other leads. how close are you to making an arrest? >> we're following up on some leads and hopeful we should be able to identify a suspect shortly. jenna: that's good news. detective, one of the things we were talking about on "happens tphop's, with a case like this, we want to tell people the news but also don't want to give people ideas. as a person of law enforcement, what helps you more? >> in a sideways like the case in vancouver obviously you want to put that information out there because they're looking for a suspect and it is a random act so you want to protect the applicable at large and
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let them know there's someone out there doing something like this. jenna: it's a tough call sometimes. we're putting the number on the screen right now to your department, detective, and we wish you luck in your investigation and look forward to an update for you. detective melendez, thank you very much for joining us today. >> thank you for having me on. jon: with so many headlines about missing person, there are high tech ways to keep track of kids but peace of mind also brings privacy concerns. we'll take a closer look at that. london landmarks on fire, 30,000 people killed, winston churchill in hyde park. there's brand new footage now of the london blitz, the nazi bombing during the second world war, why this amazing color film just surfaced now. you'll hear about it ahead.
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megyn: hi everybody, i'm megyn kelly, the president unveils a $50 billion stimulus to help the economy, d.c. insiders say it has zero chance of
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passing. so why is he doing this? we'll have a fair and balanced debate. plus, brand new polling puts the president's approval at a record low. scat rasmussen is here to explain. from al capone's tom to getting his nose broken on national tv he's the only man he's been on both the cover of newsweek and play girl and he's here with the highlights with a 40-year-old career. jeraldo. >> and she is suing her boss for firing her after an arrest. there's more to the story and you'll hear it in kelly's court. jon: kids across the country are heading back to school. now a new trend shows more parents are actually tracking kids using gps, the goal is safety -- is safety, of course, but is raising privacy concerns. claudia cowen is following this story from san francisco. so what kind of tracking devices are we talking about here, claudia? >> well, they're all
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basically the same, jon, they all rely as you mention on gps technology, whether it's through a smartphone, download application or tracking device like this one. this would be more appropriate for little kids too young to have their own cell phones, they place a device like this in their backpacks. they met one mom who uses life 360 and for a monthly fee she is virtually able to follow everyone in other family on her iphone or home computer, like most parents using this technology, she told us it gives her peace of mind, she says she's not hovering or spying on, she just wants to make sure her kids are safe. >> can parents be sure of that, that their kids are safe? >> they really can't. the technology is not fool-proof and critics say it might offer a false sense of security, for instance if they become distant from the device tracking them, if they lose the backtrack. online, privacy experts say if a mom can see a whereabouts of the kid, so can the company offering this service and it's
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important that parents find out how much information is being gathered, how long it's being stored and who else might have access to it. jon: claudia cowen, live from san francisco, thank you. jenna: we're getting our first glimpse of rare film of the london blitz, the nazi bombardment during world war ii, why the color pictures are surfacing now, 70 years later. a remarkable story and truly remarkable film you don't want to miss. >> new answers to an age-old question, can money buy you happiness? scientists may have found the answer. that's coming up next.
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jenna: well, we all need money to survive but how much do you need to be happy, to be really happy? a new study finds that money can buy you happiness, but
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only up to a point. and it depends on just what you mean by happy. it turns out income matters only up to about $75,000. you got that, up to $75,000 t. matters. after that, more money doesn't seem to buy any more or less happiness. but it does buy you more shoes! that could maybe make you happy. i don't know. jon: women and shoes, i don't understand it. i really don't get it! amazing film is coming to light 70 years later, it's of the london blitz, the german bombardment of london t. began on this day in 1940, colored film of the attacks has just been discovered in an attic. it's a stark reminder of the terrible damage that nazi bombers did to this historic city. carolyn keene's grandfather shot the film. he was the marabon's chief warden alfred kecher, and she joins us now. where did you find this film? >> well, in the attic, very
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dusty, because it hadn't been touched for a very long time. jon: okay. and your grandfather shot it, apparently on behalf of the british government? >> well, no, it was a training film for local air raid wardens. plus, it was a documentary, because he was very interested in local history, and he wanted to show people what was happening around him. jon: it is color, and that's rather unusual. do you recognize any of thelandmarks? i don't know london all that well, and many of these buildings don't mean anything to me but do you recognize the footage, do any of the buildings look familiar to you? >> a lot of the monuments are recognizable. hyde park with winston churchill, baker street, so people who visit the site will remember the landmarks. jon: i'm sure historians have been absolutely astounded. how long ago did you discover this and what's been the reaction? >> we looked for it about 18
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months ago, because there was already film in the local westminster city archives and they wanted to add to t. they said have you got any other film so we rummaged around and after a very dirty weekend in the attic, found this film which we've made available to the local history society which has an interest in the local area. and to the local archives. jon: you know, it strikes me how very much the attitudes toward war have changed in 70 years. the u.s. and britain, obviously, are both involved in two wars right now, in iraq and afghanistan, and there is so much concern about civilian casualties. you look at this, the nazis were basically carpet bombing britain's greatest city in those days. >> there's a significant difference. of course, you knew who the enemy were, and the enemy weren't lurking in buildings around the corner.
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what it also shows is the camaraderie that builds up between people, because people of all different backgrounds have to work together and carry on as we go along in normal life, as they have to do sadly in the cities that are currently in civil war and war. jon cheryl keene is the granddaughter of the man who took this newly discovered color footage. we thank you for that contribution and for joining us today. >> thank you very much. jon: you bet. jenna: an amazing story. very amazing pictures. you know, if you are head to go europe or know someone on your way there. there's a crippling transit strike in two major destinations affecting tons of people and your travel plans. what you need to know. we have that coming up. also wearing white after labor day, is that still a no-no? the fashion faux pas explained, exposed, next.
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megyn: fashion people everywhere listen up, and that means you jon scott,. jon: i am all ears. megyn: labor day has come and gone. does that mean no more white for winter. jon: of course, of course. megyn: no, jon, no it doesn't. we did extensive research. it turns out the no white after labor day rule was never a rule. historians say it all started in the mid 20th century when folks would wear white during summer vacations to beat the heat. big magazines like vogue started setting the tone for the country signifying the switch into fall. stylists say you can bring on white. jon: if i play tennis i can wear white? jenna: yes. jon: my wardrobe life will be so much easier. jenna: definitely. always looking good, jon. thank you for joi


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